HTML5 and JavaScript Game Development Competition in just 13 kB

Track not found?!

Hey! Where's the track?!

Play with perspective and optical illusions to help your train cross a river in 11 different levels!
(the 11th is for Coil users only)

You can play in fullscreen on desktop by clicking the icon on the title screen (the performance may drop a little).

You can skip any level with the Escape key.

You can try to collect these three OS13k trophies:
- Bonk on the mountain
- Save the bridge
- Complete the game

Code and level design by Maxime EUZIERE
Music by GregPeck
Sound effects by Anders Kaare
Emoji by Twitter


Categories: desktop, mobile, web monetization

Feedback from the experts

Christer Kaitila: I loved it! amazing tech! The graphics are so smooth and the puzzles are so cool. I am totally blown away that you were able to achieve this level of polish and skill in only 13kb! At ANY size it would be impressive. The various levels are so great. Amazing work!

Nathan Lie: Great quirky little puzzle game, and I like the bonus level choice for Web Monetization users. The humor was great and the art style works well. Only improvement I can suggest is perhaps a "fast rotate" that simply snaps between the different viewpoints rather than transitioning between them, so it's easier to look for solutions as time goes on.

Ewa Mazur: What an innovative game! Brilliant idea! I was under a big impression during the whole gaming session! I only miss some kind of a level menu. The music is perfect for the cute train and environment, levels getting harder progressively and the tips are awesome - they suggest the solution but not so obviously. The game is cute and soooo clever! Great job!

Anselm Hook: Very clever. I didn't see the web monetization feature. Else very nice.
